Atherton Baptist Homes
Atherton Baptist Homes
214 South Atlantic Boulvevard,
Alhambra, CA 91801
TEL (626) 289-4178 FAX (626) 576-0857
Make Yourself at Home
When you find the right place, the one that fits your lifestyle and values, it’s simple. You tour the grounds, meet the people, and know: you’re home.
Atherton has been committed to fostering this kind of welcoming, caring community since 1914, and we’re renewing this pledge now with a large-scale revitalization project. New living space and walking paths will better serve our residents and preserve our neighborhood feel.
Here we’ve built a community of peace and beauty – both externally, in our lovingly maintained grounds, and internally, in the kindred spirits and fellowship of our people.
This is a place brimming with life. One with plenty of its own personality, yet eager to accommodate and embrace yours.